Thursday, October 20, 2011

Create in me a new heart Oh God....

My blogging life has been non existent lately and by lately I mean more than 3 years. My actual life has been full..I had a child, got married, lost my father, moved in with my mother......there have been changes...LOTS of changes, lots of life.

I recently took a class (the 7 habits of highly effective people) and I was very moved by it. Because of my class I wrote down what I want people to think when they think of me after I am dead. I decided that I want them to say that I looked for the good in everything and everybody. I also want them to say that I made a difference in their lives.

Once I made the decision it became much easier to see what areas of life I needed to work on. I am happy with most areas of my life. I am really very successful. I have achieved the goals of my childhood. I am married and happy. I have a beautiful daughter (although I dreamed of having 4 kids...a boy..a girl...4 years...a boy...a girl) and a wonderful job.

What I am not happy with is myself. Me. I have looked at happy people and set my goal to do what they do so I can be happy. While imitation is the most sincere form of flattery it doesn't make one true to what God made them to be.

What is it that God created me to be?

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